Well the rains have arrived. For now anyway... Shortly after we got off work last night it began pouring down rain and hasn't stopped since. We won't be going out much, if at all today but it makes for a nice relaxing Saturday at home, for reading, napping and of course seeing who gets the bragging rights for the day by being the fastest at Mario Kart. It also gives us time to do some cleaning. I am still amazed at how dusty and dirty the hardwood floor can get even when we sweep a few times a week and never wear shoes on it.
We saw something that we found quite hilarious when we were out after work last night. Koreans are very into their little dogs. They carry them around like babies and often times they have clothes on too (their are dog clothes stores and stands all over). Sometimes it's even hard to tell if a woman is carrying a dog or a baby in a front back or stroller. The owner of our school has a little chihuahua that she brings to work once in a while dressed in a bumble bee outfit complete with wings on the back. Sometimes the dog barks a lot at my kindergarten students and I don't think they like it very much! Anyway, last night we were on the subway when a girl got on holding a small white dog with ears that had been dyed purple. We thought that was a bit strange but funny at the same time. Later, we saw a man holding a dog carefully in front of him because the dog had curlers in its hair! Little, tiny curlers on top of her head and under her ears. We thought that was pretty funny too. You don't see too many big dogs around and when you do it is probably a foreigner. They sure love dressing up and pampering their little dogs though!

The school got a new "robot computer" that I get to let my kids play with.
Elizabeth and Kate LOVE playing with Eric Teacher during lunch time everyday.
I was so excited to hear most of my kids start "reading" books all in English this week!
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