Sunday, November 25, 2012

Post Thanksgiving Shopping and Feast

Even though there was no Black Friday shopping to be had in Korea, I decided I should still keep with tradition and do some shopping after Thanksgiving.  So I ended up spending most of my Saturday at the street markets where I found myself a purse and Eric some gloves, although the thumbs turned out to abnormally large compared to the other fingers... I guess that's why the guy told me "I give you good price.  Good price just for you."  I was also excited to find some Christmas decorations at the Daiso store (similar to the dollar store)!  They actually had some Christmas decoration stands at the street markets but I thought the prices were ridiculously high so I had to resort to Daiso.  I guess they know they won't sell much so they have to make everything expensive!

On Sunday I employed the use of my crockpot, for the second time, to make mashed potatoes, for the second time.  But this time I made a lot of mashed potatoes to take to a Thanksgiving potluck we were going to go to at a small international church.  Everyone knows that I am not a cook, that's why I married one, so I was pretty excited that I successfully made something (besides a baked dessert) that other people ate.  The potluck was pretty amazing and just like Thanksgiving.  There was a huge turkey that someone was able to get from the base, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, fruit, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, cookies, rice (of course), kimbap, bulgogi, pizza and much, much more!    There were quite a few people but also a whole lot of food and we both got plenty full on a traditional Thanksgiving meal along with a few extra side dishes.  Eric's only problem was that eating mashed potatoes with chopsticks wasn't very "American."  But at least we know how to eat mashed potatoes with chopsticks now :)  The potatoes were much easier than the corn...


Yes, I'm excited about our new crockpot so I took pictures of my mashed potato making...

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