Sunday, May 19, 2013

Adventure Weekend: Bukhansan

We had an extra day off this weekend since Buddha's birthday was celebrated on Friday.  We decided late last week that we wanted to get away for the weekend and had originally planned to take the train down to Busan to go to the beach.  However, due to a mistake we made when booking the train tickets we had to cancel that plan and scramble to make a different one since we were just feeling so desperate for a change of scenery for a couple days!  We decided to just take a simple trip to another part of Seoul.  We booked a hotel a short distance from Bukhansan National Park in the northern part of Seoul and just spent a couple days away from our apartment and neighborhood.  The hotel was nothing fancy but it worked for a change of scenery.  After getting checked in we took the subway the rest of the way to on entrance and mountain of Bukhansan National Park.  It was Friday afternoon which meant the serious hikers were already on their way back down the mountain and there were definitely a ton of them!  Definitely not a vacation away from the crowdedness of the city but still nice to be surrounded by trees and plants!  We did a short hike up to one of the temples on Dobongsan.  Since it was Buddha's birthday the temple was quite busy with ceremonies, candle lightnings and people praying inside the temple, but the decorations around the temple were also quite nice.  We made the mistake of taking a taxi back to our hotel after our hiking.  Even the hotel was only a few miles away, it was a Friday, a holiday and during afternoon rush hour so it took almost an hour to go those few miles!  But we did find a very good Korean barbeque restaurant near our hotel for dinner.

Saturday was kind of our spontaneous day.  We started by going to a different entrance of Bukhansan where it was much less crowded, we only saw a few other hikers, but the hiking was much more intense, almost like rock climbing at times.  Again it was nice to just be out in nature and the quiet so we enjoyed it even if it was a tough hike.  We decided to turn back after a while and ended up heading into Itaewon, known as one of the big foreign hubs, where Eric ordered some custom shirts he's been wanting for summer and just walked around.  We headed back to our hotel for dinner where we had the best burgers we've had in Korea.  The look of the restaurant almost even reminded us of Burgerville as we think they were trying to go for a classic diner style.  It was quite delicious though and we enjoyed just walking around the area after dinner and relaxing in a bar and grill when it started raining.  It wasn't the most exciting weekend but we both really enjoyed just spending some time together in a different atmosphere for a couple of days.

We are hoping we will be able to get down to the beach one weekend here soon when it will be much easier and cheaper to get train tickets and a hotel.  Eric is starting to plan a trip for himself during his summer vacation and we are planning to travel to China together in September so we do definitely have some traveling plans to look forward to!

For some reason blogger still won't let me upload pictures to the blog... (it's really starting to get annoying!) but I promise to post them on Shutterfly this week!

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